The facilities available in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology ( ENT) provides a range of services through its dedicated , qualified and experienced ENT surgeons in Jodhpur.
- Septorhinoplasty / Septoplasty
- Nasal Polypectomy / Caldwel Lvc surgery
- Tonsil and Adenoid Removal
- Fess/Endo DCR
- Oral Surgery
- Oesophagoscopy / Bronchoscopy – both rigid & flexible
- Laryngoscopy and Foreign body Removal
- Mastoid Surgery
- Tymphanoplasty / Stapedectomy / myringotomy
- Gn. Neck Surgery
- Salivary gland surgery
Symptoms which say, it’s time to see ENT specialist, ENT surgeons in Jodhpur – if
- Your child sleeps with open mouth
- Your child snores at night
- Your child has ear discharge
- Your child watches T.V. with increased volume.
- You have recurrent episodes of bleeding from nose.
- You snore.
- Your voice has changed.
- You have decreased hearing.
- You have a constant desire to clear throat.
- You have post nasal discharge.
- You have recurrent ulcers in the mouth
- You have nodular swellings in the neck, etc.
- You continuously sneeze in the morning, especially on getting up.
- Your child is suffering with recurrent cold & recurrent ear aches
- You hear abnormal sounds like hissing/humming/whistling in your ears.